Enrolment for 2025 – 2026
Enrolment for the 2025/2026 school year is now open.
If you are considering enrolling your child, here is the form that you will need to use:
This is our Admission Notice for 2025 – 2026 school year:
St. Patricks N.S. Admission Notice 2025-2026
This page contains all the information you will need if you are enrolling a child in our school. For general information about the school and about the curriculum please look at our policies section on this website. If you look at the policies section of this website you may find answers to some of your questions.
Feel free to email us at stpatricksns@stpatricksnsdrumshanbo.ie or phone the school office, if you have any further questions.
For further help and guidance when your child is starting school please follow these links for information:
The What Why and How of Children’s Learning in Primary School Overview
Booklet for Parents of Infants Starting School
Helping Your Child in Junior and Senior Infants
Staff working in our school for the 2024-2025 school year.
In the policies section of this website, you will find a section entitled General School Details and Guiding Vision. There you will find information about our school, for example, school rules, opening and closing times etc.
There is a Policy Page on this website and all of our main organisational policies relating to the school can be viewed there. When you enrol your child, you will be asked to sign a form saying that you have read key policies and that you accept the contents of the list of policies given to you. You must accept the Code of Behaviour, as a condition of enrolment.
There are a number of forms that you are asked to fill when your child begins school – forms that relate to emergency contacts, who is allowed to collect your child, permission slips, forms related to data protection etc. which we will distribute to you at your child’s induction day.
I hope that this helps to answer any questions you may have but, if not, please feel free to email the school at stpatricksnsdrumshanbo@gmail.com or contact us on 071 9641755.