Christmas Fun!

We all went into the hall today and we listened to the National Children’s Choir perform some of the songs they are learning. They were incredible! We are delighted that Ms O’Keeffe comes in every week for this. We also […]

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Houses and Homes

We really enjoyed covering the theme of Houses and Homes in November. Mrs Mc Loughlin came into our classroom and gave us a presentation about Drumshanbo through the years. We looked at how the town has changed and also how […]

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American wake

On a beautiful, crisp winter morning, we walked out to McGuire’s cottages. We firstly watched a video on how the famine affected the population of Leitrim and forced many people to emigrate for work. We learned about the American wake […]

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Houses & Homes

For the month of November, we have been studying the theme, Houses & Homes. We have looked at the materials homes are made from all around the world and looked at their similarities and differences. For science we have been […]

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We have been exploring Ficheall lessons in class and learning all about the game of chess – showing respect, being patient, planning, taking turns, being gracious in defeat, learning from your mistakes, concentration, teamwork and much more. Mrs Flynn has […]

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Maths fun!!

We really enjoyed working with the calculator this month. We even decoded sums to give us answers as word.!!! We worked very well in pairs and are looking forward to using the calculators again.

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ICT – Scratch, Light Bots and Lego

For the past four weeks we have been working with Ms Noone and Ms Mc Manus exploring Scratch, a coding programme. We have been working in small groups once a week and have really enjoyed the sessions. For November we […]

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We really enjoyed our dress up day on the day of the Halloween holidays. We had assembly and a raffle in the hall and in calls, we had some treats and watched a movie. Laura, Cara and Cian were lucky […]

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Football and Hockey

When the weather is nice, we love playing games outside but when the weather isn’t being kind, we are very lucky to have our new PE hall to use.

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