Now we all know that the weather is going to be brilliant this summer but in the unlikely event that there’s an odd rainy day, Ms McTigue compiled a list of suggestions for Fifth Class as to how they might occupy themselves so I thought I’d share it with you:
Summer Activities
(Documents mentioned in this list are attached at the end)
*Dance and work out to videos on
*Were you doing the scratch activities Mrs Walsh was sending? Check this out for scratch activities
*Keep checking out Primary planet website Go back and read some old issues and complete some old worksheets
*Learn to say hello in different languages
*Keep up running and walking – the 5km programme we completed in school.
*Do some 10 @ 10 lessons from
*Check out RTÉ Jr for lots of links and videos
*Do some Think Outside the Box Art!
*Check out Pobble 365 for amazing images each day.
*Look back on the Weaving Wellbeing booklet we explored during remote learning. Redo an activity or do one you didn’t complete
*Look back over the God, Me and Covid-19 booklet you received and complete some pages you haven’t done already.
*Watch/Listen to some Bible stories
*Play a board game, or even better make a board game – Don’t forget to make a rule book!!
*Read a book – Mrs Walsh sent lots of links for reader over the past few weeks and check out the Book Week links for readers that Ms Noone and Ms Mc Loughlin recommended. Complete some activities on the Reading choice board as you read.
*Check out for comics to read
*Check out World Book Online if you haven’t already – loads of fun things to do here
*Look back on RTÉ home school links – Look at videos you haven’t looked at yet.
*Look back on Cúla4 ar Scoil links – Look at videos you haven’t looked at yet.
*Check out the GAA Primary links lessons and complete ones you have not done yet.
*Look back over our school blog page and talk about the pictures on it. Look back over images from the years before too!
*Look back over the school website and watch the movies Mrs Popplewell recommended or complete one of her recommended recipes.
*Complete Mr. Molloy’s skills challenges. You will also find these on the school website.
*Research some of your favourite animals on There is amazing videos on this website.
*Here is the website for optical illusions. Have a go at them if you haven’t already
*Play stop the Bus with some of your family members or friends. The rules are here
*Make a jigsaw
*Play charades, here is the rules
*Print of some mindfulness colouring (search for some on ) and colour them in.
*Send someone a postcard or a letter
*Play with a deck of cards. Here is some information on card games you might not know much about. Learn to play some of them
* Check out Google Treks using this link It will bring you to many places all around the world
*If you are interested in a certain country search it here for some facts
*Complete the Covid Time capsule if you haven’t already done so.
*Complete an obstacle course in your garden to complete – time yourself and try and beat it. Make sure it is safe!
*Do some gardening – take care of the flowers, do some weeding etc.
*Help out at home and learn a life skill – As your parents/ guardian to show teach you something new.
*Ask a parent, grandparent or guardian to show you how to dance – learn how to jive or waltz to one of their favourite songs.
*Look back on old family photos and find out who the people in the pictures are – See if you can pick out familiar faces.
*Check out and click on virtual sports day. There are LOADS of games, skills and drills there for you to try out. Mrs Popplewell and Mr. Molloy have referred to this page for sports day too.
*Make a word search and get someone to solve it.
*Learn some jokes or riddles and tell them to your family or friends – Make them smile!
*Play card games like snap or rummy or even learn a new game!
*Construction some things from Lego
*Learn to play Sudoku – Download some worksheets online to start learning
*Complete a family tree
*Cook or bake something with a family member. Write out the recipe and give it to a friend or neighbour for them to try out.
*Do some extra chores at home – make someone else smile when they realise you have done it for them.
*Help prepare lunch/ dinner (safely!!)
*Draw a picture, draw half a face and get someone else to complete the other half.
*Read to a younger sibling, grandparent or neighbour
*Sing! Sing along to a song you know or learn a song! Sing it inside or outside or even in front of people. Sing and enjoy it!
*Play hide and seek
*Make up a dance routine and teach it to someone
*Create a treasure hunt and write the hints for your family or friends to follow.
*Go on a nature walk – take in all that is around you, the birds, wildlife, plants, scenery etc.
*Do some of the activities from Active Home Week that you liked or did not complete
*Check out some of the Virtual School tour links Mrs Walsh has researched.
*Check out Google Arts this will bring you to lots of museums around the world.
*Write a diary entry on a day in the life of your pet. Make sure to include all the senses!!
*Play Simon says with your family and friends.
*Practice your skills – GAA, Hurling, Rugby etc.
*If you have chalk at home, draw outside if possible – X and O’s, hopscotch etc
*Check out for links and quizzes
*Check out Dublin Zoo through this link
*A website to practice English and maths skills
*Write a thank you note and hide it somewhere where the receiver will find it.
*Be Kind every day – Make sure you make people smile, especially if they are not smiling. By doing something small you can change someone’s mood for the day. Remember today will pass and tomorrow will come!
*Write a poem. It could be a rhyming poem, a narrative poem or an image poem – we studied these in school! You could complete some art work to match your poetry.
*Design your own clothing range or jersey.
*Create a different ending for a story you have read.
*Write your own short story. Remember to include good handwriting and grammar in your work.
*Complete a still drawing. Remember when we explored food and we completed a still drawing on the fruit bowl – Take inspiration from there!!
*Check out for step by step instruction on how to draw a variety of things. They have a daily blog for you to check out.
*For history lovers check out the virtual tour of the Natural History Museum
*Learn lots of different languages and take quizzes on languages here on
*There are lots of science facts and experiments here to try out at home. Make sure that an adult helps you with any experiments you may try.
*Visit the local library. Keep reading over the summer months. Recommend a book to a friend and talk to them about your reading.
*Make acrostic poems for the members of your family using their names. Decorate them and give them to your family – they are sure to make them smile.
*Check out . There are endless activities on here to complete. Search “Drama Activities”, “Summer Camps – Captain Senior Camp”, “Would you rather challenge cards” and “Don’t Say it power points”. These are just some nice activities you can find on this website.
Here are the attachments you might need:
At-Home-with-Weaving-Well-being-A-Mental-Health-Journal-for-Kids (1)
Enjoy your summer!!