Hello everyone,
Here is the email I sent home today:
June 9 Book collection arrangements
I am also posting the content of a letter re books that you should have received by email today. It’s also on our Forms and Letters page on this website:
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Book lists for 2020 – 2021 are going up onto the school website today. As before, you have two options with regard to your child’s/children’s books:
Option 1: You pay €80 per child to cover the use of all books for the year as well as stationery, art & craft materials, photocopying etc. If you opt into this loan system, you have a fixed cost which covers everything your child will need in terms of books and requisites.
NB: Family of 4 – capped at €300.00/Family of 3 – capped at €230.00
Option 2: If you opt out of the school loan scheme, you can purchase what your child needs independently. You pay €30 per child to cover photocopying, art & craft, standardised tests and homework notebook. You can then use the list provided on the website to get school books, copies etc. for your child/children.
You will receive a book form with this email. Every parent is asked to return this form to the school. Tick which option you are choosing. Based on this we will order books and copies for your child for September.
We cannot take cash payments at this time so we would ask you to pay electronically. (We can take cash payments in September, but, for reasons of security, we would prefer to make all payments electronic, moving forward.)
When to pay electronically you will need to
- Log in to your online banking.
- Set the school up as a payee using the ADD PAYEE option in the menu. (It will be a SEPA payee).
- The PAYEE NAME is St. Patrick’s NS.
- Please put your child’s name in as a reference so that it will appear on our records and we will know who has made the payment – there is a REFERENCE box in the on screen form.
- In order to have a clear record for you and for the school, we would appreciate it if you made a separate payment for each of your children. (Each electronic transaction costs you 10c)
- You may also wish to fill the DESCRIPTION box for your own records – whatever you put in e.g. ‘book bills’ will appear on your electronic statement.
- A code will be sent to your mobile phone which you will need to complete the process and make the payment.
You will need the school IBAN and BIC codes:
IBAN: IE90 BOFI 9053 8730 4877 88
When you receive your book list, please remember to tick option 1 or 2, photograph it and send it back to the school (stpatricksdrumshanbo@gmail.com). Please also email the school when you make a payment – it would help us lot if you could put Payment and your family name in the subject line of the email.
Thank you, as always, for your help and support.