Hello everyone,
Here is the email I sent home today
And, more importantly, here is the latest news on Ms. Reynolds’ baby birds. She sent this news as part of her letter to Second Class:
Hi everybody!
I am pleased to tell you all that the chicks are doing really well. As more and more of their feathers appeared, we discovered that they are actually magpies after all. There is an old saying about magpies, perhaps you have heard of it? It goes “One for sorrow, 2 for joy, 3 for a girl, 4 for a boy, 5 for silver, 6 for gold, 7 for a secret never to be told” So as there are 2 of them, they have certainly brought some joy into our Co-vid Lockdown time. Unfortunately, both birds were injured when their nest fell out of the tree 2 whole weeks ago! Both birds have a damaged leg but happily, their wings seem to be perfect. They are stretching their wings now and are completely feathered. Magpies in the wild stay in the nest for 4 weeks and continue to return for food for up to 10 weeks! I guess we will have to buy more cat-food and eggs soon! They also imprint after 2 weeks. Imprinting is when a young bird/animal or whatever begins to recognise their care giver – that’s myself and Alesha – they do this by staring at us and focusing on us with one eye – very funny and a little strange. So by this stage, they consider us to be their mothers!
I heard from many of you with suggestions for names- really cool suggestions – I really liked Hedwig, Heckle and Draco, other ideas such as Joy and Lucky were good too. In the end, the name that came out of the hat was “Doris”. As agreed, Alesha named the other one – Morris! So there you have it – Morris and Doris.
Ms. Reynolds
I’m just wondering which one this is – Morris or Doris?????