The pupils of Sixth Class were asked to send in representations of their memories and thoughts around Covid 19. I really enjoyed seeing their different ideas – I think you will too. I’m starting with some links for you to follow.
Why not read Josh’s report on how his family and extended family are managing during lockdown?:
Life during the Corona Virus – Josh
Here’s Róisín Mc’s thoughts on lockdown:
I know some of you were very taken with the stress ball I got last week. Well here’s your chance to make your own:
Róisín’s Blog about stress balls (3)

So many children have learned new skills and developed new talents during this time. Check out Kaelin’s report and you’ll see what I mean:
We’ve had analysis……

……and diary entries
……some of which were photo diaries

….not to mention poetry.

We also had some lovely posters and pictures: