‘If you work really hard and are kind, amazing things will happen’. (Conan O’Brien)
At the end of this school year, I want to thank
- Those who cared for and taught the children who needed it most
- Those who were good friends in the yard
- Those who cleaned and maintained our school
- Those who played games
- Those who planned our regular schooldays and our special days
- Those who made our school beautiful – inside and outside
- Those organised & trained sports teams and competitions, and those who played in them
- Those who put on and took part in plays
- Those who prepared children for Sacraments and the children who made Sacraments
- Those who directed the choir and those who sang in it
- Those who helped, each and every day to make this school run smoothly
- Those who planned and organised Literacy Lift-off
- Those who listened and supported others when they most needed it
- Those who worked hard
- Those who were kind……….
……because, if you work hard and are kind, amazing things will happen.
Special thanks and congratulations to Sixth Class as you move on to Secondary School. All of us here in St. Patrick’s NS wish you health, happiness and success throughout the next part of your education. Don’t forget to keep having fun!