Can I draw your attention to a few important upcoming events in school?
Over the next weeks and months we will getting involved in all kinds of activities to commemorate 1916. We would be glad of any input from the school community or, indeed, the wider community. You are getting a letter about this today.The letter is posted on the School Letters and Forms page of the website.
On Friday (Oct 23), to launch this year’s Green Flag theme – travel, and to launch our Active School project we are having a walk to school. We would like to encourage you and your child to walk to school, If you usually drive to school, you could consider parking and then walking the final section of the journey. to make this more fun, children can, if they wish, dress up for that day. Check out the class pages, after midterm, for some photographs from the day.
Parents of the First Communion class are reminded that Sunday’s 11:30 is a Do This in Memory of Me Mass. Children are asked to bring their Communion candles to school on Thursday or Friday. Sr. Helen will collect them here and they will be used in the celebrations on Sunday.
I hope you all enjoy the midterm break. Soon after midterm I will post a calendar of events and special dates to watch out for in the weeks coming up to Christmas.